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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 2836 – 2837

Just when he raised his head and looked at the bride, Fang Kun at this time also obviously spotted George Han sitting outside the temple, with a hint of smile in his eyes and a hint of it. Coldness. The eyes of the two met, but the sky thunder touched the ground fire, and it […]
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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 2834 – 2835

Although the red cloth covers her head, the glamorous dress still can’t cover her beautiful figure, and people can tell it without looking at her face. This is simply an unparalleled beauty. “The bride enters the sedan chair.” As the second ceremonial officer behind Fang Kun yelled softly, several bearers carried the delicate red sedan […]
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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 2832 – 2833

ll kinds of silk, silk, jade, and gold are dazzling and overwhelming. In the city lord’s mansion of Nuo Da, there is a golden wall with brilliance and red scenery all over it. “Come, come, please inside!” Fang Jun, the elder of the Fang family, led a group of elders of the Fang family, and […]
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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 28230-2831

George Han has a jade ice bead in his hands, which can continuously produce cold air, and because it has the body of a jade ice bead, the cold air it releases is also the purest and most massive of. If the Ice God can help, he can certainly help Amelia Su suppress Rootless Poison […]
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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 2828 – 2829

“Can you chat alone?” Su Yan smiled lightly. Amelia Su did not respond, but looked at Dong Ju and the others faintly. Dong Ju and the others were obviously taken aback, but when they thought it was Miss Su’s family, the women still looked at each other, then slightly bowed and retired. “Please come in.” […]
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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 2826 – 2827

, Fang Biao berkata dengan lembut: ‘Kalian, pergi untuk mengurus dewa es.‘ ‘Ya!‘ Beberapa wanita buru-buru membungkuk untuk memberi hormat. ‘Patriark Fang, kamu tidak perlu melakukannya.‘ George Han terputus ketika dia ingin berbicara. Fang Biao tersenyum, dan berkata: “Tadi malam aku benar-benar membuat Dewa Es menderita. Jangan salah paham. Mereka semua adalah orang-orang di rumah. […]
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Novel Warna Sejati Nya Bab 2824 – 2825

‘Oke, sudah larut, kembalilah istirahat lebih awal.‘ Menepuk bahu trenggiling, George Han tersenyum dan membawanya ke halaman belakang. Di halaman belakang, Su Yan sedang duduk di kamar dalam keadaan linglung, dengan sepasang mata tampan yang sedikit khawatir dan sedikit kesepian. Ketika Lvzhu datang dengan sangat gembira untuk memberi tahu George Han bahwa dia telah kembali, […]
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