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Bab 1379 – 1380 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

Her daughter has already suffered a lot, and she can’t make her a target of public criticism. I can’t let my daughter be besieged by so many people anymore. Tidak bisa! Alyce called Darius. On the other end, Darius was talking on the phone with Galia: “Galia, don’t be angry. When this incident is over, […]
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Bab 1377 – 1378 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

Apakah dia terluka? Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa. Still helping her deal with the thin wounds, and now helping her dress again. His current behavior is as if he is her lover, her licking dog, and she has regained her image as a good husband and a man. Siapa dia? Siapa dia yang sebenarnya? At this […]
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Bab 1375 – 1376 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

If it was Suzi, she wouldn’t even call him for half a phone call. However, Arron still connected to the phone. ‘Halo?‘ On that end, Gu Xiaoqing’s voice was calm: “Mr. Fu, I…I have something to tell you.” Arron: ‘Ya.‘ “Well, Uncle Fu made an appointment with me and my mother last week to let […]
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Bab 1373 – 1374 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

Duduk di sebelahnya adalah Fu Hengsheng dan Nyonya Fu. Melihat putranya menjadi sangat marah, Nyonya Fu tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak memarahi putranya: “Axiong! Apa yang kamu marahi? Sekarang Arron dan istrinya damai, bukankah lebih baik?” ‘Mama!‘ Fu Zhengxiong tidak berani menantang putranya, tetapi dia berani menantang ibunya. “Bu, apa yang kamu bicarakan! Siapa […]
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Bab 1371 – 1372 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

When he thinks of this, the man feels wronged, and he wants to straighten her head, wake her up, and reason with her! See who accounts for it! Namun, He couldn’t bear to think of her crying and roaring so tired that she finally fell asleep. Just look at her sideways. Masih ada air mata […]
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Bab 1369 – 1370 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

Dia mencintai dia! She kept cursing, kicking and scratching him, telling herself over and over again not to fall. Don’t fall! Suzi, you have nothing left. You have seen Arron’s new love with your own eyes. Don’t fall for it! She warned herself over and over again. Until, she fell completely. The woman’s tears wet […]
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Bab 1367 – 1368 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

“So, the fate of me and my grandmother and my mother are actually not much different.” “Since there is no difference, I have to avoid my children, like my mother and my childhood.” “Obviously there is a father, but he enjoys any benefits from his father.” “Arron, since you can’t give my daughter fatherly love, […]
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Bab 1367 – 1368 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

“So, the fate of me and my grandmother and my mother are actually not much different.” “Since there is no difference, I have to avoid my children, like my mother and my childhood.” “Obviously there is a father, but he enjoys any benefits from his father.” “Arron, since you can’t give my daughter fatherly love, […]
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Bab 1365 – 1366 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

“I was used by others to save your life with my own body.” “That start is a wrong start.” “Later… then you see, you have always hated me.” “My whole body is sour and stinky, the woman who comes out of jail, who is penniless, lives at the bottom of society, a woman like me, […]
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Bab 1363 – 1364 Dihukum oleh Novel Cintanya

Suzi smiled and said, “You little thing, miss your father?” “Well, mom don’t you want my dad? You can’t sleep without my dad’s arms around you one day.” Lilly teased his mother. Suzi’s heart was dripping blood. However, on the surface, she still smiled and said: “Little thing, you know your old lady quite well!” […]
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